Saturday, 19 November 2011

Assassin Creed Revelation: Multiplayer Characters Tutorial

You can Customize your character in Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Just like in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Revelations allows you to customize your character's appearance much further. You have the ability to change each character's Appearance, Main Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Taunt, and Stun Move. The Appearance includes the head, chest, arms, legs, belt, accessories, and colors.
There are many characters total available to all players in addition to four special characters that are unlocked through Uplay or as pre-order characters.

Just have a look at all these characters that you can play in Multiplayer Mode.

  1. Bombardier
  2. Brigand
  3. Champion
  4. Corsair
  5. Count
  6. Courtesan
  7. Crusader
  8. Deacon
  9. Gladiator
  10. Guardian
  11. Knight
  12. Ottoman Doctor
  13. Ottoman Jester
  14. Privateer
  15. Renegade
  16. Sentinel
  17. Thespian
  18. Trickster
  19. Vanguard
  20. Vizier

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